Comments Posted By Doug King in Washington
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I admire funny man's honesty (post #7). We must recognize the wrongs of the past but not fixate on blaming people today for what their fathers did long ago. No progress is possible otherwise. People in the Middle East can't get beyond their past -- they are stuck in history.

Prejudice shortchanges rational thinking. Mr. Gates, under stress, accused the officer of racism and in so doing indulged in racist behavior himself. From what I can tell, the officer was just basically following procedures. President Obama, however, saw a brawl and instinctively jumped without first investigating the facts. That's the problem with racism and prejudice -- the question is no longer what is right but whose on my side?

We've made a lot of progress against racism in this country. If we want to continue making progress, our leaders need to show us better examples of cool-headed thinking.

Labeling every perceived injustice as racism is like saying everyone who throws up has the Swine Flu. It's true some of the time, but not all of the time.

Comment Posted By Doug King in Washington On 25.07.2009 @ 23:07

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